Praise the Lord!
Happy New Year Everyone!
A couple of days ago, I was wondering what the "Word of the Year" would be for my life. Then God gave me this message about living "FEARLESSLY AND FAITHFULLY" which is a Word that is not just for me, but for the Body of Christ as well.
Too many times when God has spoken to us or given us a vision of what His plan is for us or what His instructions are to us, we've allowed FEAR to take over and have DOMINION over us; thus making us stuck and stagnant, when we should have been PROGRESSING.
FEAR has paralyzed many. It makes us think the worst or look at the "bigness" of our problems instead of the "BIGNESS" of our GOD. It also has us look at ourselves and our limitations instead of really trusting God and letting Him use us how He wants to.
However, in 2023, God is giving us ANOTHER OPPORTUNITY to do what we were too afraid to do. He has given us a CLEAN SLATE, A FRESH START AND A NEW PERSPECTIVE so we can get to the place He's always wanted us to be, but were hindered because of FEAR.
Living FAITHFULLY to God doesn't mean that you will never FEEL FEARFUL again. It means that your FOCUS is on pleasing God to the point that you won't let fear stop you, no matter how hard it knocks on your door. Bad news may rattle you for a moment, but it can't uproot you if you are firmly planted in a FOUNDATION OF FAITH in God.
By FAITH, you develop tunnel vision that fixes your eyes on Jesus, regardless of any chaos that may be happening around you.
In this New Year, this New Season, the only one that can STOP YOU IS YOU and the only thing that can stop you is NOT WALKING IN FAITH. So, I encourage every one of you, to ask God to help you ACTIVATE the FAITH that is already in YOU, so that you can be all He called you to be; go where He's sending you; do what He's called you to do and RECEIVE all He has for you in Jesus' Mighty Name!
Prayer: Dear Lord, please forgive me for allowing fear to hinder my walk with You. I rebuke fear from my life and I choose to live FAITHFULLY to You, in Jesus' Name, Amen.
"Have Faith in God." Mark 11:22
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9
"Behold the proud, His soul is not upright in him; But the just shall LIVE by his FAITH." Habakkuk 2:4
"A Song of Ascents. I will lift up my eyes to the hills— From whence comes my help? My HELP comes from the LORD, Who made heaven and earth." Psalm 121:1-2
"For we WALK by FAITH, not by sight." 2 Corinthians 5:7
"Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, LOOKING unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our FAITH, Who for the JOY that was set before Him endured the Cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right Hand of the Throne of God."
Hebrews 12:1-2
Have a Blessed, Prosperous and Faith filled Year in the Lord!
Love you all,
Apostle of Grace ~ Christine Norris
"Your Prophetic Spiritual Clarity Coach"