Hear the hearts of those who have been BLESSED by my services
Jernise Young, Virginia
Jackie Johnson, Colorado
Courtney Jones of N.C writes:
Sister Christine was the glasses where I was short-sighted....she was the interpreter when I couldn't make sense of what was going on.....she was the loudspeaker when I couldn't hear for myself from God. She was and continues to be all those things for me and she does it with LOVE....no condemnation....no judgement...just LOVE. I am so thankful that God blessed me with this sister. I don't know what would have become of me had I not experienced this goodness of the Lord at this time in my life."
Tiki Williams, Texas
I have had the pleasure of connecting with Apostle Christine Norris and have been truly blessed since our connection. You can see the fire of God coming through her. I received Godly clarity, confirmation, and affirmation, not just advice, but Godly advice. Our session set my soul on fire and confirmed that I can walk into my divine greatness with the treasures in my hand. I just have to let go and let God. She is truly an Anointed Woman of God.
Tammy Dillon, Chicago
My name is Tammy
My experience with Apostle of Grace Christine Norris is that she is so knowledgeable about the revelation of being Chosen by God.
Her ability to produce and provide a hunger for us to want to know the calling on our lives according to the Grace given by Jesus-- she provides the blue prints on how to get there. This scripture in Psalms, God is her Shepherd and she shall not want (Psalm 23:1) I believe really is written on her heart. The Prophetic Mantle on her life is so beautiful to witness because of her Faith in God.
Thank you for all your support love and prayers in Jesus' Name.
Everything you need is in the Kingdom.